Christmas Videos

Christmas Video from Dad… 2020

Christmas has always been one of my favorite days of the year! I’m sure that I’m not alone in that. But to me, Christmas has a new feel about it. It used to be that when I thought of Christmas, my first thought was of the baby Jesus, laying in a manger in a far away country, in a little town called Bethlehem.

Click on the photo above to see my Christmas message for 2020

But now… it’s different. Christmas still is exciting, and I still remember the story of that little baby lying in a manger, but something is different. NOW, when I contemplate Christmas, I think more of that grown Christ, who will soon come again to save His people. But this time, He won’t come as a little baby, but as Lord of Lords, and King of Kings! The next time we see Jesus, He will be accompanied by hosts of angels, by millions of warriors in amazing warships, coming to destroy the wicked, burn off the evil and the corrupt cities of the world, and welcome back those righteous individuals who have been taken away from time to time to “the ends of Heaven”, where they have waited and prepared themselves to assist Jesus Christ in cleansing the world… first here in America, and then in Jerusalem.

And when He’s finished, sin and corruption, evil and death will all be a thing of the past. In that holy day, the earth will be changed back to it’s Terrestrial state, where people will grow up in happiness and love, never again to be sick, or lonely, or sad or alone. Then, we will ALL watch our loved ones grow to the age of a tree, and be changed in the twinkling of an eye, to live with God and Christ and family… forever. That’s what I think of today when I look forward to our next Christmas.

I want to be there with ALL of you!

Christmas 2021…

This year for Christmas, I’ve attempted to make a “Keepsake” for each of the families. It’s a Japanese tradition that I learned about recently that really touched my heart. It’s a practice that they’ve been doing for more than 700 years, and when I read about it, it touched my heart. It reminded me of how much the Lord loves ALL His children, and of the lengths He’s gone to to save all His children… if they’ll simply reach out and allow Him to help them.

It’s a practice they call “Kin Tsugi”, and I hope you’ll not only enjoy learning about this Far East tradition, but will also see how this artform can bless people’s lives in so many ways.

Just click on the photo below, and enjoy this short video that hopefully will allow you to see yourself and others in a whole different light.

As we all begin this New Year, 2022, I hope that each of you will find a place in your home where you will display this Plate, repaired with “Kin Tsugi”. It represents the Love that Christ has for each of God’s children, but in addition to this, it represents the love Janice and I have for each of you! We love you all, and hope and pray that you will look on this gift often, not as a repaired plate that your earthly father put back together, but as a symbol of God’s love that He has for EACH of YOU! Christ gave HIS life for US… so that we CAN be together and live as family now, and in the Eternities!

I love you all, and pray that 2022 will be a year of mending, healing, and preparing for the return of the Son of God! I know that the time is getting very near for Him to return, and when that day happens, the time for preparation and repentance will be past. Please listen to the Prophets who have gone on before us. They saw OUR DAY! And please listen to our current Prophets and Apostles… they have never, in the 200 years since the Prophet Joseph spoke to the Father and the Son in that grove of trees, spoken so often and raised the warning voice to tell us it’s time to repent and prepare for the Savior’s Return.

Buckle up… things are going to get really interesting very soon! I love you guys!

Christmas 1881

One of my favorite things in life, has, and always will be, our Christmas Eve parties held with family! This tradition has been ongoing since long before I was born in 1950. That makes 71 such reunions I’ve enjoyed in my life, (with the exception of 2 years when I was in New Zealand on my mission) and which… by the way, changed my life forever! For had I not gone on my mission, I would have NEVER have met the most beautiful and wonderful person I’ve ever known… My Wife, Janice… and without whom there would never have been the Lester and Janice family website!

I will FOREVER be grateful to the Lord for guiding and blessing my steps in life, that led me to Janice, which resulted in the greatest family any man could ever hope for.

Christmas 2021 has caused me to think and ponder much over the true meaning of Christmas, and the great blessings that have come into MY LIFE as a result of the Savior Jesus Christ. I will forever be grateful to HIM, for giving me, and all those I love, the opportunity to enjoy this glorious life together, and the sure promise of being together FOREVER with those we love!

As this past year has messed up so much of our Social Lives, I’m sad to find out the some of my family will not be able to attend this 2021 Christmas Eve-Eve party… so in an effort to mitigate some of the sorrow we’ll feel in their absence, I’m posting below MY contribution to this party.

Just click on the image below, and you will hopefully enjoy my contribution to the True Spirit of Christmas, as it was experienced by some special people 140 years ago. That Spirit still is alive today. I hope you’ll enjoy this presentation… I love you guys!

Click on the Cabin above…