lestert – the Lester and Janice Nielsen Family https://lesterandjanice.us Together there is Strength and Safety Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:26:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://lesterandjanice.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/cropped-l-and-j-32x32.png lestert – the Lester and Janice Nielsen Family https://lesterandjanice.us 32 32 Perfect Timing… https://lesterandjanice.us/2021/02/22/perfect-timing/ Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:26:11 +0000 https://lesterandjanice.us/?p=87 Read More

We live in an amazing time in the history of the world. So much of the world has only recently emerged from what seems in many ways to have been the “dark ages”. For thousands of years, most of the world lived in an agrarian society, where the bulk of their time was spent simply trying to survive. Between keeping a roof over their heads, growing crops and hunting for food, most husbands and providers had little time for much more than just sustaining life and trying to maintain some semblance of comfort and safety for those they loved. But that took a sharp turn about the same time the Father and Son appeared to Joseph Smith.

From that day forward, things began to change and change quickly. Light had once again shown brightly and enlightened the minds of truth seekers the world over.

Today, when something happens in the world, in a matter of minutes, nearly every person on earth who has a cell phone, can see, in almost real time, the events that have just barely taken place.

That seems wonderful and amazing, and yet, this same technology that can be used for so much good, can also be used for great evil… and too often is. In this world of instant messaging, there’s also instant lies, cover-ups, blocking of truths, votes, and the internet is riddled with self-appointed “fact checkers” who have taken it upon themselves to be the ones who can influence millions for either good or evil. They have become the self-appointed gestapo who have no interest in truth… only their misguided agenda. And that should concern everyone.

The point here is that the Lord in all his wisdom, knew that the only way the gospel and Kingdom of God could go forth, (having been carved out of a mountain without hands, and then starting its destined journey, to roll down the mountain and eventually fill the whole earth) was by revealing these truths to the Prophet Joseph at precisely the time it was.

Can you imagine the Book of Mormon trying to make its entrance on the earth a hundred years earlier? There would have been no way that it could have been printed, and disseminated throughout the world in a way that would have made it possible to reach all the islands and continents necessary to make it “fill the earth”. Much more technology would have been necessary to make that feasible.

Likewise, can you imagine that book coming forth in “our day”… today? If that was even attempted in todays society, with todays technology, Joseph would have been removed from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any other platform one might think would be helpful to spread the Gospel, and all these self-appointed “fact-checkers” would have banned Joseph from EVERY Social Media Platform, because these misguided Tech Gurus would simply claim that ALL his visitations, visions and revelations were “false and dangerous”.

Yes, this seed was planted at just the perfect time to allow it to germinate, grow, and set down its roots in every nation and continent, where it now has “filled the whole earth, but still, its dominion is small” just as it was prophesied it would be.

And now it would appear that the time is quickly approaching when the Lord is ready to begin His harvest. The wheat has been taken over by the tares, and the field is ready to be burned… just as soon as the “fishers and hunters” have finished their work. And that work will certainly be “marvelous”!

It’s going to get crazy! It’s going to get dangerous! But for those with courage and faith, it’s also going to be very exciting! And our Prophet has given us directions and a warning how we must proceed when he taught the following…

“I fear that there are too many priesthood bearers who have done little or nothing to develop their ability to access the powers of heaven. I worry about all who are impure in their thoughts, feelings, or actions or who demean their wives or children, thereby cutting off priesthood power.

I urgently plead with each one of us to live up to our privileges as bearers of the priesthood. In a coming day, only those men who have taken their priesthood seriously, by diligently seeking to be taught by the Lord Himself, will be able to bless, guide, protect, strengthen, and heal others. Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity.”

The Price of Priesthood Power… President Russell M. Nelson

So, buckle up, and get ready for the Lords Marvelous Work and Wonder!

Hello Everyone! https://lesterandjanice.us/2020/12/29/hello-everyone/ Tue, 29 Dec 2020 02:10:20 +0000 https://lesterandjanice.us/?p=1 Read More

Welcome to our family site. Here is a place where each of us can come to share our thoughts, our stories, our photos and our love. This is not for the world. They already take up too much of our time and space. This place is just for US!

My hope is that this will be a place where we can come together to visit, to share our hopes and dreams, to share fun and uplifting stories that will draw us all closer together.

I want this to be a place where everyone can be lifted up, encouraged, inspired and motivated! I love this family. I’m so grateful especially to my dear sweetheart, your mother, who is the center of this universe! Every day I thank God for her, and what she has done for US, to make our lives the best they can be!

She truly is the center of our lives, and will be throughout Eternity!
